- A fat lot!
- Девать некуда! (иронично о малом количестве)
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
(a) fat lot — a fat lot spoken phrase nothing, or not very much at all a fat lot of good/help/use: A fat lot of help she’ll be! Thesaurus: nothing, none and no onesynonym small amounts or pieces of somethingsynonym everythi … Useful english dictionary
a fat lot — spoken nothing, or not very much at all a fat lot of good/help/use: A fat lot of help she ll be! … English dictionary
a fat lot — (slang) Not much • • • Main Entry: ↑fat … Useful english dictionary
(a) fat lot of good — informal not helpful or useful. She can t lift anything heavy, so she s a fat lot of use! I m going to tell him exactly what I think of him. A fat lot of good that ll do you! … New idioms dictionary
(a) fat lot of use — informal not helpful or useful. She can t lift anything heavy, so she s a fat lot of use! I m going to tell him exactly what I think of him. A fat lot of good that ll do you! … New idioms dictionary
(a) fat lot of good — a fat lot of good, use, etc. idiom (informal) not at all good or useful • Paul can t drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm. Main entry: ↑fatidiom … Useful english dictionary
(a) fat lot of use — a fat lot of good, use, etc. idiom (informal) not at all good or useful • Paul can t drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm. Main entry: ↑fatidiom … Useful english dictionary
fat lot, a — Not much … A concise dictionary of English slang
fat — [fat] adj. fatter, fattest [ME < OE fætt, pp. of fætan, to fatten, akin to Ger feist, plump < OHG feizzen, to make fat < IE * poid < base * pi , to be fat, distended > Gr pimelē, lard, Sans pīná , fat] 1. a) containing or full of… … English World dictionary
fat, plump, obese, stout — Fat is the customary, everyday word applying to someone who has too much flabby tissue: Is it true that nobody loves a fat man? Whereas fat usually has as unpleasant connotation, plump and stout suggest a roundness that is pleasing or a heavy… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
a fat lot — little or nothing … Dictionary of Australian slang